The H9H0710M50P is a LDMOS integrated Asymmetrical Doherty 2-stage Power Amplifier designed for cellular base station applications with 50W saturated output power covering frequency range from 0.73-0.96 GHz. The amplifier is 50Ω Input matched with integrated input divider and output combiner into a small compact footprint which makes it ideal for integration.
Operating Frequency Range: 730 - 960 MHz
Operating Drain Voltage: +48V
P1dB: 60W (+47.8 dBm)
Efficiency@845M: 25.6%@34dBm
50 Ω Input matched
Integrated Input Divider
Integrated Output Combiner
Integrated Asymmetrical Doherty Final Stage
High linearity
High Gain
Footprint: LGA 12x8x0.98 mm, 34-pin